I know that it has been a long time since I have been on here. First, a quick update: I rejoined Weight Watchers at the end of January. I have lost 8 pounds from then until now. I am kind of slacking off, so I am re-committing to tracking every day. I really like the new pointsplus program. I am eating healthy(free fruits!) and I usually don't feel deprived or hungry! I have been exercising sporadically on the treadmill since January. We lucked into buying a treadmill which is great but I like exercising outside a lot better. This winter has made it hard though. Winter has seemed like an eternity! I am hoping that spring is right around the corner......
Now for the reason for the poster on the side(I totally snagged this off this blog). Marc and I decided to enter a race together. For the last few weeks I have been bugging him to enter a 5k with me so that I would have a goal and motivation. Well after looking around he found this race. We think it would be cool to do this race because Marc's dad had melanoma. If you notice though, the competitive race is 5 miles. I want to do the 5 mile race. The thing is I haven't been running consistently. I would need to start the C25k all over again to work up to the 3.1 miles then I would have to work up to the 5 miles. Marc's quote this a.m. about it "You would really need to work to be able to do it." Well, duh! So my plan is this: I will be doing Walk Away the Pounds for the next week and a half because this week is going to be super busy, I have this chest cold I am recovering from, and the following week is spring break and we will be out of town for a few days(to a place in the mountains w/no treadmill). On March 24th I will start with W1D1 of couch 2 5k. I would actually end C25k with only a week to build up to running two more miles. So maybe it would be crazy to do the 5 mile race. No matter what I am going to start running/jogging again,YAY!!!
Edit: After some thought, I will start with week 3 day 1 on March 24th. I will try this and if I feel comfortable then I will continue training from there. That will give me more time to build up to 5 miles.
1 Question + 1 Random Question
#1 What do you think? Should I just do the 5k or do you think I could do the 5 miler?
*Now I am not sure what to do, I need to decide before it is time to register. I am not that experienced at races (I have only ran one other 5k). So any, words of wisdom would be appreciated.
Random Question: Are you on daylight savings?
*We are and I can't stand it. My eyelids feel all heavy today(like I said I am sick so this might have something to do with my eyes feeling like there are small boulders resting a top them) and we ate lunch at 2:30 in the afternoon. We are all discombobulated around here!
Peace & Love,