Dear Jillian Michaels,
On Thanksgiving day, right before going to my mother's house to stuff myself with turkey and noodles, I saw you on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. At that time you announced that you are going to be doing a new show where you will be traveling around the country helping families get healthy. I would like to ask that you consider my family for your show. Now we are not morbidly obese, a matter of fact our combined total weight of our entire family of four is probably around 340 pounds which is less than what Shay weighed in at the beginning of the B.L. this season. But it is in my opinion that a person does not need to be super fat to be unhealthy.
For example, on a typical day my husband might go without breakfast and lunch (his own choice not because he doesn't have access to food) he will then come home eat dinner, junk food, and end the night by eating Twinkies in bed. Amazingly enough he still weighs just a little above his college weight. He doesn't eat much fruit or green vegetables. His family history isn't the greatest; with a diabetic grandmother, parents with cholesterol issues, and a father with diabetic tendencies I am afraid that eventually he too will develop a health issue.
My two sons seem to be at healthy weights for their ages (eight and four) but they are really not developing healthy habits for the future. Both love sweets and junk food. They both turn up their noses to vegetables, some fruits, and any new dish I might try to prepare for the family. Our activity as a family involves video games, movies, and/or shopping. During the summer it is easier because we will play ball in the yard or take hikes in the woods.
As for myself, I am the heaviest of the family. Like I said I am not obese but I am over weight. My family history isn't the greatest either. My father died of heart disease. My mother is healthy but three of my aunts and uncles have died due to heart disease. A few years ago I lost 25 pounds but the weight is slowly creeping back on. Now I just feel sad, embarrassed, and like I let my self and my family down. I know what I should be doing: eating healthier and exercising but somewhere between the knowing and doing I get lost. I read about other people who are doing it right, I see people on the Biggest Loser making changes, I think back when I did it before but I just can't seem to do it. I like to talk the talk but it is the walking the walk part(both literally and figuratively) I can't/won't do. Maybe it is fear of being better, fear of putting myself first, fear of being someone I am not sure how to be(even after losing 25 pounds I never saw myself as thin), maybe it just the fear of being out of my comfort zone. I don't know maybe that is why you could come help me and my family figure it out and guide us in changing our lives for the better.
As I said in the beginning, we are not obese, we are a some what normal mid-western family who could make some changes for a healthier way of life. All you have do is give us a chance. Or better yet you can show us how to give ourselves a chance. Thank you for your time.
This letter is wishful thinking although completely true. I know there isn't a chance in he** that Jillian Michaels will show up at my house to whip us into shape and scare my children(heck she scares me). So the big question is this: What am I going to do about myself and my families unhealthy lifestyle? Can I make a plan and stick with it? Can I stop buying the junk food and start making a healthier way for us? There are "people" out there who do it every day, can I be one of them too? Am I brave enough..........
1 year ago